Latest Trends & Wholesale Party Supplies Blogs

Fundraising party

Hina Zulfe

  What is a fundraising person called? A person who is responsible for organizing fundraising efforts is often called a fundraising coordinator or a development officer. What is another word...

Fundraising party

Hina Zulfe

  What is a fundraising person called? A person who is responsible for organizing fundraising efforts is often called a fundraising coordinator or a development officer. What is another word...

Singles dance party and mixer

Hina Zulfe

  How do you host a single party? A single party is a social gathering specifically for people who are not in a romantic relationship. It can be a casual...

Singles dance party and mixer

Hina Zulfe

  How do you host a single party? A single party is a social gathering specifically for people who are not in a romantic relationship. It can be a casual...

Pool party

Hina Zulfe

  What is a pool party? A pool party is a social gathering that takes place at a pool, typically during the summer months. Pool parties can be casual or...

Pool party

Hina Zulfe

  What is a pool party? A pool party is a social gathering that takes place at a pool, typically during the summer months. Pool parties can be casual or...

Christmas caroling party

Hina Zulfe

  How do you host a Christmas caroling party? To host a Christmas caroling party, you can invite friends and family to join you in singing Christmas carols at a...

Christmas caroling party

Hina Zulfe

  How do you host a Christmas caroling party? To host a Christmas caroling party, you can invite friends and family to join you in singing Christmas carols at a...

Block party

Hina Zulfe

  What is the meaning of block parties? A block party is a community event in which a street or neighborhood is closed off to traffic and residents gather to...

Block party

Hina Zulfe

  What is the meaning of block parties? A block party is a community event in which a street or neighborhood is closed off to traffic and residents gather to...

All about Soirées Parties

Hina Zulfe

  What is a soiree party? A soirée is a social gathering, typically held in the evening, that is often elegant or formal in nature. It may be held at...

All about Soirées Parties

Hina Zulfe

  What is a soiree party? A soirée is a social gathering, typically held in the evening, that is often elegant or formal in nature. It may be held at...